Postman seems to support requesting an OAuth 2.0 token. Has anyone been able to get this working with Auth0? It would be great to see some step-by-step instructions in the documentation/blog (or explanation why it won’t work).
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I’m trying to call my own API (not the Auth0 management API) using a bearer token. In Postman, I noticed the Get New Access Token button under the Authorization tab. It seems to promise to do what I would like, get an access token using the Auth0 lock screen and allow me to use it in the headers of other Postman requests. However, I have been unable to get it to work and I’m wondering if others have experienced the same problem or have had some success.
In order to get an access token to call your own API through Postman you would have to fill the information requested in that dialog and do a couple of additional steps in your Auth0 Dashboard.
For the dialog, the client identifier and client secret will be the ones associated with your client, the scopes would also depend on your requirements and the URL’s would be similar to:
In addition you would then have to configure as a Allowed Callback URLs in your Auth0 client settings. Finally, given Postman does not allow to configure additional custom parameters and Auth0 requires that an audience parameter be specified in the request in order to know for which API the access token should be issued to, **you would have to configure a Default Audience in your account general settings. This way, if a request does not include an audienceparameter, which would be the case for a Postman initiated one, the default audience will be used which will result in access token that can be used to call your API.
I was unable to get this to work. I’ve actually invested a fair bit of time trying to get this to work. I thought the default audience would do the trick, but it did not. I get through most of the process but after I authenticate, I keep getting an HTTP 404 error.
@jmangelo I’m not able to get this to work, I encounter an “Invalid authorization code” error. This is the response body {“error”:“invalid_grant”,“error_description”:“Invalid authorization code”} Any suggestions?
@jmangelo I’m not able to get this to work, I encounter an “Invalid authorization code” error. This is the response body {“error”:“invalid_grant”,“error_description”:“Invalid authorization code”} Any suggestions?
@jmangelo I’m not able to get this to work, I encounter an “Invalid authorization code” error. This is the response body {“error”:“invalid_grant”,“error_description”:“Invalid authorization code”} Any suggestions?