Cant get User Auth Token in Postman

I’m trying to get a new user token through postman to automate my tests, and I’m struggling to create a token successfully. Even using the deprecated user/password endpoint in the postman collection I get a 404 error. Any advice?

Hi there @kristianbrasel welcome to the community!

Have you attempted to use the Resource Owner Password Grant? You’ll need to make sure the password grant is enabled for the application you are authorizing against.

Is that different then the call that’s in the deprecated folder. If so can you give me more details on how to make the call?

Yes, it is a different endpoint altogether - https://{{auth0_domain}}/oauth/ro is legacy, and https://{{auth0_domain}}/oauth/token should be called instead. The doc I linked to previously outlines the Resource Owner Password Grant which should be used in your case. You’ll see it listed under Authentication API → Get Access Token in the Postman Collection.

You might also be interested in using the Authentication API Debugger Extension - It will allow you to easily obtain tokens directly in Auth0 UI.

Hope this helps!

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