How can we modify the role and App_metadata of user

I need to modify the role and app_metadata for existing users in auth0. Please help me , how this can be achived .

Hey there!

There are a few ways to approach it.

  1. You can go to Auth0 Dashboard → User Management → Users → User Profile you want to update the app_metadata for

After you click on the user and scroll down there will be a metadata section within which you will be able to make adjustments.

  1. Using our Management API endpoint here:

Hi @konrad.sopala thanks for your response i need to do this bulk amount of user , not for single, any specfic document for that ?

Also i need to do for update role for users not just app_metadata

Here’s how to do that:

Hi @konrad.sopala this method only update the app_metadata for the exisiting user in auth0 portal. What about updating the user role for all the existing user in auth0?

Sorry here’s how to do it:

Hi @konrad.sopala It say to pass mutiple users ids in post request, then where we need to pass in role for the users . can you provide all the step needed for this one. My use case quite simple, i need to update exsiting bulk user role which help of postman, the link you provided say to pass mutiple userid, thats fine, but where we need to pass role for the users ?

Here (in the endpoint):

/api/v2/roles/{id}/users 23

you specify role and in the body script you specify user IDs for the users that the role need to be set for.

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Thanks it worked for me :slightly_smiling_face:

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@konrad.sopala How can get the roles of all users using some export tool or postman to see the role assigned to user ?

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