In the documentation for the Auth0 Management API, it states that the endpoint “GET /api/v2/organizations/{id}/invitations” should accept a sort-parameter as a string with the format “field:order”. But when I try this by sorting on any field other than “created_at” it gives me the following error:
“auth0.exceptions.Auth0Error: 400: Query validation error: ‘String does not match pattern ^((created_at)):(1|-1)$: expires_at:1’ on property sort (Field to sort by. Use field:order where order is 1 for ascending and -1 for descending Defaults to created_at:-1).”
There is definately a field called expires_at, so that’s not the issue. But it seems the API does not support sorting on other fields than created_at, despite of what the documentation says. Can anybody enlighted me on this? Thanks!