Add sort-parameter to "Get Members" API-Endpoint

Allow sorting of organization-members on API-Endpoint “Get members who belong to an organization

Build a B2B-Application with administrative functionality. The customer’s adminstrators should be able to manage their organization members on their own.
A list-view should be provided to invite, edit and delete members.

Current Problem:
If it comes to larger data-sets and pagination has to be used, sorting the members on our application side is not really manageable any more.
The API-Endpoint should provide the ability to work in combination of sorting and pagination.

Current work-around:
Use the “List or search users” endpoint, which already provides pagination AND sorting. → no roles-set (from organizational context) given :frowning:
With the new Feature of retrieving the members’ roles-set from the API I would prefer to use “Get members who belong to an organization”! → no sorting available :frowning:

Hi @j.krabs,

Thanks for the feature request!