Hierarchical Accounts

I am pretty new to Auth0 and exploring its features. One of my primary question for which I am not able to find an appropriate answer is whether Auth0 can support linking one or many users to an organization and also maintain an Org Hierarchy? Can we achieve a parent - child relation for the different organizations that the users are associated with?

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Hi @vidya.muralidharan

Welcome to the Auth0 Community Forum!

Thanks for reaching out with your question. I think role based access control can address your suggestion. Check out the docs:

You can create roles and groups for your users. If you give some examples we can work through it further.

Hope this helps!


Hi Dan,

Thanks for your response.

RBAC would be more in terms of defining the roles and priviledges that the users can have in the application. I do not believe that would help me achieve my requirement.

Let me give an example of the use case that I am trying to achieve. I would like to know if a structure similar to below can be configured in Auth0.

I want to associate my application user to accounts. One or many users can be mapped to an account
User1 → Account1
User2 → Account1
User3 → Account1
User4 → Account2
User5 → Account3
User6 → Account4

And also I would like to maintain parent child relationship for these accounts too.One account can have one or many child accounts
Account1 → parent of Account3, Account4

With this configuration i should also be able to obtain the account if a particular user and the other users in the account and also details of any child accounts that it has.

Hope this helps in understanding my case. Any pointers in addressing this will be of great help.

Thanks in advance,


Are there any pointers for the above questions?

Thanks in advance,

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