Google authentication status update for a user in custom DB

Hi team we need some assistens with the user data status update in our DB.

we are using the AuthO api
for 2fa for users the status of the 2fa is showing in the Auth0 but we also want to the status to show in our DB too. is there any way to workout this.

Hi @exchanga,

I will need more details in order to provide a helpful response. So the problem is that you want the same 2fa status to be shown in both, the user’s account created using the Google connection, and his account created using the custom database connection with the same email?

Have a good one,

Hi @vlad.murarasu the thing is we are using the custom db connection in autho, what we want to now is when a user is enrolled for a 2fa the status of the user is showing in authO what we want is it should also be showing in our DB 1.e SQL or db which we are using in authO for custom db connection.

we want to know how we can save this records in our database.

You can use Database Action Scripts in order to add the status to the users. You can call the Management API to check the 2fa status of the user in Auth0 and then use this to update the user in your custom database.

If you have any questions about implementing it feel free to ask.