Global Configuration in Rules always returns {}

I have some key value global configurations set in the Rules tab’s settings but when I try to reference them in my rules it returns undefined. Even when I console.log(configuration) it returns {}.

Though I am able to create and reference the global configuration variables in the connections → database tab. Though these are also undefined when referenced in rules.

Please help.

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We are having the same problem. Please help.


I am also experiencing this issue.

Here is the topic I created earlier on it Configuration empty in Rules handler.

I also have an open support ticket about the problem.

Does anyone have a solution to this???

Hi austinrivas & wolfbrownie1995,

Could you please DM me your tenant names to investigate this?

Thank you.

Hey everyone!

It seems like there are a couple fo community threads related to the same issue. @supun I will merge them for better tracking and navigation. All the messages from those topics will be down under this message.

I have a rule defined that accesses a configuration value.

function (user, context, callback) {
  console.log('config', configuration);
  callback(null, user, context);

Whenever I execute this rule I see config {} despite having several configuration values set.

When I try to access the configuration values I get undefined.

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Also reported here Global Configuration in Rules always returns {} - #2 by mm-taigarevolution

Has this been solved?? I am still experiencing this issue…

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Be sure to set your configuratin first,
I made this mistake befor :sweat_smile:

Follow these instructions:

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Thanks for sharing that with the rest of community!

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