Persistency of the global object across rules

I’m trying to persist an access token inside the global object but so far I haven’t been able to do it. Only the first time I run the rule it works then if try for a second time it doesn’t work (I’m not able to fetch it), so it means that for some reason the global object is being restored.

I really want to do this as this token is coming from the client credentials flow from auth0 and there is a limit in the number of tokens we can generate.

Could this issue be related to that I’m using a free tenant? and a new container is being assigned on every request?


Hi @alejandro.garcia Welcome to Auth0 community.

No there is no special configuration for free vs paid tenants around globalConfig object. I can’t put my finger on what might be wrong here. Could you show us how you are storing the access token on the globalConfig object?

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