Getting funny results when using UserClient.GetAllAsync

Hi everyone, I am getting funny results when searching for users. I am using the .Net Auth0 component to do the searching using the UserClient’s GetAllAsync method.

Users I have in Auth0:

I am searching by email:

  • When I pass in “scooby” or “scooby*” as my search term, I get zero results, when I expected 2 results.
  • When I pass in “scooby.doo” or “scooby.doo*”, I get 1 result: I expected 2 results.
  • When I pass in “scooby.doo1” or “scooby.doo1*”, I get 1 result: This worked.
  • When I pass in “andy” or “andy*”, I get zero results, when I expected 1 result.
  • When I pass in “andy.layzell” or “andy.layzell*”, I get 1 result:

Can anyone explain this behaviour?

    private string BuildLucerneQueryText(IUserFilter filter)
        var searchQuery = "";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Email))
            searchQuery = $" OR email:\"{filter.Email}*\"";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Name))
            searchQuery = $" OR name:\"{filter.Name}*\"";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.UserId))
            searchQuery = $" OR user_id:\"{filter.UserId}*\"";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Username))
            searchQuery = $" OR username:\"{filter.Username}*\"";

        //remove the leading text " OR " 
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchQuery) && searchQuery.Substring(0,4) == " OR ") 
            searchQuery = searchQuery.Substring(4);

        //result will be searchQuery = email:"andy*"
        return searchQuery.Trim();

    public async Task<IList<UserModel>> GetAsync(IUserFilter filter)
        var users = new List<UserModel>();
        var token = GetAccessToken();
        var apiClient = new ManagementApiClient(token, managementApiUri);
        var filterText = BuildLucerneQueryText(filter);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterText))
            var apiUsers = await apiClient.Users.GetAllAsync(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, filterText, "v2");
            users = apiUsers.Select(u => userModelMapper.Map(u)).ToList();
        return users;

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