Our auth was working great for about a year but recently has been throwing a verification error from google. if i click through advanced - > continue to auth0 it works correctly, but this is a bad ux and not feasible going forward. are there any docs on how to fix this.
@byndcivilization Google may now require that your application be reviewed due to the scopes that you are requesting. I believe this is very recent. It seems that screen will appear when a Google OAuth client requests certain OAuth scopes and due to those scopes you will be need your application be reviewed by Google. More information can be found here: OAuth क्लाइंट की पुष्टि करना | Apps Script | Google Developers. There is also a support article here: Unverified apps - Google Cloud Platform Console Help
The good news is once your app users will no longer see this unverified app screen.
do you know if we need to verify our auth0 client or our underlying application?
@kimcodes do you know if we need to verify our auth0 client or our underlying application?
@byndcivilization I apologize for the delay, it’ll be your underlying application that should be verified with Google.