Get Started with Auth0 Authentication in React Native Android Apps

Learn how to add authentication to React Native Android apps with Auth0.
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:writing_hand:t2: Brought to you by Wern Ancheta & @AccordionGuy

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First, Thanks a lot for this manual page.
I have a question though.
Why it is essential to setLoggedIn to true on the second useEffect?
After the user successfully logs in with Auth0 on login function we already set loggedIn to true - thats what triggers the useEffect hook from the first place (it depends on loggedin value change) .

My comment is specifically for setting up Google account section.

I think this article is great for starters and solely for dev purposes, but not so much if you really want to setup Google Oauth with your Google dev account’s stuff.

For example my question is, for Expo apps, should we create a Web, or Android/iOS OAuth 2.0 Client ID in Google dev console?
I can see that Auth0 expects client secret as well, that tells me it’s more web application.
But doing so, I’m getting Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch in the app once I’m attempting login.

Any advice on this area?