Get invitations

Trying to retrieve the list of invitations with pagination.

We are getting start, limit, total ?

Is they are equivalent to page, perPage, total ?

Please check the pagination for invitations ?

it looks buggy and not working as expected ?

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Because when we are calling the endpoint : we are sending “include_totals”, “true”, “page” and “per_page”

We expect to have the response with page, perPage and to total too.

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I’m also trying to implement pagination for invitations. The total # of invitations is not returned in the response, which isn’t ideal since that means the only way to know if there’s no more invitations to paginate through is if the response contains 0 invitations


Same issue here. Do you have an ETA of when totals will be added to the /api/v2/organizations/{id}/invitations API?

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