What’s new in .NET 5? Learn how .NET Core and .NET Framework evolve into the new cross-platform framework.
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Brought for you by @andrea.chiarelli
What’s new in .NET 5? Learn how .NET Core and .NET Framework evolve into the new cross-platform framework.
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Brought for you by @andrea.chiarelli
Have you tried .NET 5? Share your first impressions with us!
Hi! Thank you for the info. I see WCF is not supported, but will Asmx be?
Hi @xabierlorente,
Welcome to Auth0 Community and thanks for reading my article.
Regarding your question, .NET 5 will not support ASMX services either. Consider that those services aren’t even supported in .NET Core, and .NET 5 is basically an evolution of .NET Core.
Nice article, but for sone reason your links render es red underscres instead of text this means a reader has to click on every link to actually se your complete artickes ( At least on an ipad air 2 running ipad os 14,2.1 and chrome), not ideal
Hi @bjarne-priv, I can see the links correctly, but I will investigate the issue you reported.
Thank you so much
Hi Andrea,
Great article! Is there something I missed? I didn’t bother creating any API and just downloaded the seed application generated from the ASP.NET Core v3.1 quickstart by Damien Guard and migrated it to 5.0. Auth0 works fine in it. I can log my users into the application and access certain pages based on user roles I have given them.
Is there a problem with my approach per a chance and a reason why I should create an API instead?
Hi @Jords,
Welcome to Auth0 Community and thanks for appreciating my article
There’s nothing wrong with your approach. Actually, ASP.NET Core APIs and web applications don’t require any specific code tweak to migrate to .NET 5.0. For this kind of application, the benefits of migrating are under the hood (mainly performance).
Blazor applications are the most impacted ones by the migration (see this document for more details)
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