Feature request: Allow linking to password reset page without state

Before moving to Auth0 we had a standard password reset page like foo.com/resetpassword. Our support team could easily send users a link to this page if they needed to reset their password. The user would enter their email, and if they were a valid user they would get a unique link to continue resetting their password.

Now with Auth0’s default experience, we have to send the user to the login page and tell them to click the Reset Password link. This is an unnecessary extra step and it would be better if we could send them directly to the Reset Password page, where they could enter their email address to request the link.

I understand there are options for us to generate links to the password reset page, but we are looking for a page where they can enter their email and trigger the link creation themselves. To me this would be the same as going to the login page and clicking Reset Password without entering an email first.

Hi there @kris-valcre welcome to the community, and we appreciate the feedback! Let’s hope this gets some attention from other community members as our team keeps track of community user interest :smile: