Feature: link to login screen from expired "password reset link" screen

I have a proposal for a feature request.

As a user of apps I would like to be able to navigate to the original app login screen when I use an expired link.

What do you think?

![alt text][1]

@jan.donatek thanks for the suggestion. Can you please add this to the Ideas section of the community, where our team monitors and reviews idea suggestions:

@jan.donatek thanks for the suggestion. Can you please add this to the Ideas section of the community, where our team monitors and reviews idea suggestions:

I have created this question in the idea list: http://community.auth0.com/questions/5386/feature-link-to-login-screen-from-expired-password

I have created this question in the idea list: http://community.auth0.com/questions/5386/feature-link-to-login-screen-from-expired-password