Failed to load Previous state for first time sign up

Whenever a new user tries to sign up with our app, for the first time an error is shown. I’ve aatached two screenshots which users see.

I can see a tracking id but I don’t know how to debug using that. When the user comes back to sing in, then it works fine. I don’t know what wrong here. I’ve integrated auth0 with AWS Cognito and I’m using sign in with LinkedIn

Hi @osama,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Based on your screenshots, I was able to correspond the “Failed to load previous state” error to an event found in your tenant logs. It seems that what happened was that the user attempted to access the login page directly instead of starting the login flow from the beginning (/authorize).
And by not doing so, this caused the state error.

The error description in your logs also states the following:

A user has attempted to access a login page directly. This is not supported unless a “Application Login URI” is set for your application, or a “Tenant Login URI” is set for your tenant. For more information, see: Configure Default Login Routes

Seeing that, you should be able to fix this error by configuring your default login routes on either the application or tenant level.

Please let me know how this goes for you.


Hi @rueben.tiow ,

Thanks for your reply.

We only have a mobile (React native based) client for this app and I don’t think we can create and https based login page using the react native app. Any thoughts on this?
Also, I’m not sure how the user attempts to access the login page directly instead of starting from the beginning. We’ve set this configuration inside our react native app:

 issuer: 'Alfred LinkedIn Login',
      clientId: 'id',
      clientSecret: 'secret',
      redirectUrl: 'appName://redirect',
      scopes: ['email', 'openid'],
      additionalParameters: {
        identity_provider: 'Provider-name',
      serviceConfiguration: {
        tokenEndpoint: 'https://domain/token',
        revocationEndpoint: 'https://domain/oauth2/revoke',
      clientAuthMethod: 'post',

Hi @rueben.tiow Is there a way I can access those logs?

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