- Which SDK this is regarding: @auth0-nextjs
- SDK Version: 1.9.1
- Platform Version: Next.js 12.2.0, Node 16.0.0
- Code Snippets/Error Messages/Supporting Details/Screenshots:
I’m randomly getting this error when trying to log in into my app, it works fine most of the time but then it starts to give me this error for a few minutes or until I change users. It says ‘Failed to load previous state’. Also, I’ve found that this error happens a lot more in Microsoft Edge.
I’m using the @auth0-nextjs SDK on my Next.js App. My /api/[…auth0].ts is exactly the same as the tutorial and I’m using the Universal Login (with custom HTML).
Also checked the GitHub Issues but didn’t find one related to this. I tried debugging it for a while but as it is intermittent it is harder for me to figure out the root of the issue. Any help will be appreciated