Error! tenant creation through manage is no longer supported

I get the following error when creating a new tenant: Error! tenant creation through manage is no longer supported

Can anyone help?


Yes, I am also receiving this error. Any advice on how to proceed?


I was able to create a new tenant by manually going on the (the team management portal). It seems like Auth0 is migrating from independent tenants to team-based tenants.

Can you provide the steps involved in creating a team or what options in this page to select to create a new client?

Same problem here. The docs don’t seem to have been updated - still stating to use the “create tenant” Auth0 dashboard option that I’ve used many times before:

This really needs to be fixed, or we need a clear alternative path. I’ve searched for quite a while with no luck.

I can’t create a new tenant and it is urgent. What can be done?

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Seems to be fixed as of the morning of 2024-04-30 (eastern US time). I was forced to log out and log in - sort of unusual. But the same credentials worked to create two new tenants this morning.

Getting the same error.