Error on redirect after sending confirmation link

After sign up confirmation link automatically sent to user email and after user click redirected to {application.callback_domain}/my-confirmation url

however if I send confirmation link to email from my application (node js)


confirmation link also sent to user email however instead of redirect to {application.callback_domain}/my-confirmation i get error :

"{"name":"BadRequestError","code":"invalid_result_url","description":"invalid result url: /my-confirmation?","statusCode":400}"


:wave: @kemal

After receiving the redirect error, could you check if the user was verified on the backend? If the verification was successfully completed on the backend the issue may be with the result_url . Can you double check the values being passed are correct?

Also, do you have multiple clients or did you create the user manually?

My issue was that the redirect url was just http and not https. Thanks for @hernan.liendo.
A better error message would be great from Auth0 :slight_smile:

@kemal I would use {{application.callback_domain}} so double curly instead of one as their UI suggested.

Thanks for sharing it with the rest of community!

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