Error: certificate has expired

Hi all
Our SSL certificate expired for our domain for which the auth0 callback URLs point to. We renewed the certificate, but all applications (including live applications) with auth0 authentication have stopped working (other sites - without auth0 authentication - of ours are accessible via https with the new certificate).
We are getting the following error in different browsers and auth0 applications when we test the auth0 application:

  "error": "access_denied",
  "error_description": "Error: certificate has expired"

The login was working before the certificate has been renewed, and it’s not working now. Nothing else has changed.

We get redirected to the auth0 login page. It’s impossible to catch the error, everything happens in a fraction of a second.

I haven’t found any answer in google, and I haven’t found any places in the dashboard where I can indicate that we have a new certificate.

How can we make it work again? is there a way to upload our renewed certificate? Any help is appreciated.

Hello @arpadt,

Welcome to the Community! Are you using the custom domains option, and if so has that certificate expired as well? Are you sites behind a service like Cloudflare? Updating a certificate on Cloudflare can take a bit of time as the cert is deployed to all their endpoints.

You can also try capturing a HAR file which records the details of your sesison.

Hi @markd

Thanks for the response. The issue has been solved by updating the certificate on the server which runs our domain specific auth0 dashboard.

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