Enterprise is not disabled for the organization

Creating Enterprise for Google Workspace.
Disabling this connection for Enterprise in Organization does not disable it.

To enable it:

  1. Create Enterprise for Authentication - Enterprise - Google workspace.
  2. In the Enterprise - Applications tab you created, enable the Application used by Applications using this connection.
    3.In the Organization - Connection tab, add the Enterprise created by 1 in enable Connections.
    4.Enterprise login is enabled.

To disable
1.From the Organization→Connection tab, use [enable Connections] to delete Enterprises.
2.When you try Organization login in Application, it is not disabled.
3.Disable Application in Authentication - Enterprise in Google workspace - Application tab
4.If you try Organization login in Application, it will not be disabled.

To make sure that it is disabled

  1. Use Authentication - Enterprise to overwrite the Google workspace domain with the disabled domain
    Now it’s finally disabled.

Ask for support on why you’re behaving this way.