Email verification job created with organization_id provided. However the organization parameters are not available


I am trying to use machine-to-machine API to invoke /jobs/verification-email endpoint to send an email to a pending user. I provided the user’s organization_id in the request payload:

  "user_id": "auth0|user_id",
  "organization_id": "org_abc123xyz"

And then the user successfully received an email. However, according to the API doc:

(Optional) Organization ID – the ID of the Organization. If provided, organization parameters will be made available to the email template and organization branding will be applied to the prompt. In addition, the redirect link in the prompt will include organization_id and organization_name query string parameters.

But in my case neither organization_id or organization_name is available in the email template. Also the redirect link does not contain organization related data in the query string parameters. In addition, what does the “prompt” mean here? The prompt for email verification? I think if a Redirect To value is provided in the email template, there’s no prompt shown.

Thank you!

I’m having the same issue, except that I’m trying to set up a custom logo in password-reset screen. I also created the reset ticket with:
POST api/v2/tickets/password-change
organization_id: string,
client_id: string,
user_id: string

I tried to use organization.branding.logo_url in the password reset screen template under the:

  theme: {
        icon: "{{organization.branding.logo_url| default: '//'}}",
        primaryColor: "{{tenant.colors.primary | default: '#ea5323'}}"

It failed, when I navigate reset link from the response logo is not changed in fact none of the organization parameters are not present in the template.