I’m new to Auth0 and want to setup the Identifier First flow for my application.
I’ve used the guide from Auth0 (t/email-does-not-match-any-enterprise-directory-error-on-the-login-page/118239) to ensure my setup is correct and when pressing the “Try” button on Authentication Profile page, I correctly get redirected to my secondary Tenant based on Home Realm Discovery settings.
My problems start when I try to use my SPA/Postman to authenticate through my application in Auth0.
I’m presented with the Identifier First view but just get an error stating that my “Email does not match any enterprise directory”; I also see Im not redirected to my other tenant as I am when trying out the configuration from my management dashboard.
Usually, the steps outlined in the documentation that you mentioned ( linking it again for visibility to others ) should suffice in clearing the error that you encounter, but there seems to be something missing here. Identifier First is the way to go when setting up HRD, the other ones should not work out-of-the-box.
Looking at your current configuration, everything seems to be set up correctly, the only thing that I noticed at this moment was that, for the SPA Application, you do not have enabled the Connection that has the Home Realm Discovery enabled.
Let us know if the issue is still ongoing on your end.