Delete groups - Insufficient scope error

I’m currently trying to use de DELETE /groups/[id] endpoint from Authorization Extension API.
It has all scopes enabled but it throws

error: {
    statusCode: 403,
    error: 'Forbidden',
    message: 'Insufficient scope'

Any ideas? Am i missing a scope? or any configuration?
We also use DELETE for members, GET, PUT with no issues.



Hi @jesica.halife,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I understand you experienced the'Insufficient scope' error when trying to call the Authorization API’s Delete /groups/{group_id} endpoint.

This error happens when your Access Token is missing the delete:groups scope.

To check whether your access token has this scope, please decode the access token on to see if the necessary scope is included.

If not, please request an Access token with the delete:groups scope so you have the correct permission to call the DELETE /groups/{group_id} endpoint.

I hope this helps!

Please do not hesitate if you have any further questions.

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