Delete current user


in my application, the user should be able to auto delete itself.

The code I use is:

_using (var client = new HttpClient())_

_    Configuration = builder.Build();_
_    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", tok);_

_    client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Configuration["Auth0:BaseAddress"]);_
_    var result = await client.DeleteAsync("/api/v2/users/" + auth0ID);_
_    string resultContent = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();_
_    var resource = JObject.Parse(resultContent);_

If I understood well, this code needs delete:users or delete:current_user.

I tried some stuff, but I’m getting a list of different errors.

  1. If I set as audience the auth0 system api, I see a lot of scope in the list, but not what I need (as wrote above)
  2. If I use custom API and create delete:users and delete:current_user, I can see them in the jwt token, but I am NOT authorized to all my others APIs I already wrote (I’m working with C# and I use the decorator [Authorize])

How can I reach my goal? I need to add those scopes to all my users and not affecting what is already working.

I’m having exactly the same issue. Did you find a solution?

Yes. I use for this aim the machine-to-machine auth

Hello everyone! I’m glad to see that you were able to overcome your issue you were experiencing @piero.alberto through utilizing the Machine to Machine application. Please let us know if you have any further questions!

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