Hi, I am facing a problem with getting and deleting users. I am trying to do so using the API https://DOMAIN.auth0.com/users/userid using my custom API (which is not my Management API)
However I have been able to use the https://DOMAIN.com/userinfo API to get the current user info, using my Custom API.
My whole dev stack is SPA using angular in the front end, and .Net webapi as a backend. And I can’t use the Auth0 Management API because I need to use permissions and roles and these are not customizable there. So I need the Custom API but I don’t know how to get all users or get one user by its id or delete a user using the custom API audience
When you need to make requests to a Management API endpoint (such as https://your-domain/api/v2/users), the API must be authorized to use the Management API. To do this, you’d create a machine-to-machine (M2M) application that represents your API and authorize the M2M app to use the read:users scope of the Management API.
So I just followed what you said and that worked for getting users, and thank you very much. But however when trying to set user roles, I get {"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"Schema violation"}
which I don’t know why. Do you know the correct way to fix this request in C# code?
dynamic body = new
roles = new List<string> { "Admin" }
var client = new RestClient($"https://DOMAIN.com/api/v2/users/{dictionary["sub"]}/roles");
var restRequest = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
restRequest.AddHeader("Authorization", mtok);
restRequest.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json");
restRequest.AddParameter("application/json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(body), ParameterType.RequestBody);
IRestResponse response = await client.ExecuteAsync(restRequest);
So mtok is my machine token that you just instructed me how to get it in step 3. And my userid is the “dictionary[“sub”]”, And I have an Admin role.
It looks like you are using the string “Admin” inside the roles list. Instead of using the role name, you’ll want to use the role ID (the role ID looks like rol_abc123). You can find the role ID by using the GET/api/v2/roles endpoint, or you can just go to User Management > Roles in your dashboard. Click on a role and copy the role ID from the URL: