Custom SMS Gateway for Passwordless Connections

Im getting all my connections and i trying to update my SMS gateway for passwordless connections, accordingly the Tutorial, but Infobip(my SMS provider) needs that i authenticate via API key header method. There are any away that i can authenticate my SMS provider with API key header method ?

Something like that:

"gateway_authentication": {
    "method": "API_key",
    "key": "003026bbc133714df1834b8638bb496e-8f4b3d9a-e931-478d-a994-28a725159ab9",

The result should be like that:

Authorization: App 003026bbc133714df1834b8638bb496e-8f4b3d9a-e931-478d-a994-28a725159ab9

Hi Bruno
Were you able to resolve this? I’m in a similar situation and wondering if Infobip can be integrated with Auth0 for passwordless without writing custom lambda as proxy.


wondering how to do this as well

where you able to solve it, i’m stuck also with this.

Hi @bruno.feltrin

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I am sorry about the late reply to your inquiry!

Since InfoBip is not one of our default phone providers available within the dashboard, you are unable to modify the gateway_authentication parameter in order to be suitable for it. However, there is an InfoBip integration available through the Auth0 Marketplace which will help you in setting up the MFA flow with them.

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a reply or post again on the community!

Kind Regards,