After successfully updating the password policy to increase the minimum password character length, the Login/Reset Password page still expects the previous password length.
Applies To
- Password requirements
- Authentication
- Password policy
Ensure that the custom Password rest page with the “Auth0ChangePassword” object contains the password_complexity_options attribute.
The custom password rest pages must add the password_complexity_options to leverage the new parameter.
//code omitted for brevity
new Auth0ChangePassword({
container: "change-password-widget-container", // required
email: '{{email}}', // DO NOT CHANGE THIS
csrf_token: '{{csrf_token}}', // DO NOT CHANGE THIS
ticket: '{{ticket}}', // DO NOT CHANGE THIS
password_policy: '{{password_policy}}', // DO NOT CHANGE THIS
password_complexity_options: {{password_complexity_options}} // DO NOT CHANGE THIS
//code omitted for brevity