Hi all,
while building an app with react-native 0.58.4
and react-native-auth0 1.4.0
, we want to use our custom domain to show a custom prompt message for the iOS dialog, as stated here: iOS Swift - Remove consent dialog social login with auth0 - #7 by Abhishek_Hingnikar1
we are calling something like:
auth0.webAuth.authorize({ scope: 'offline_access openid profile email', prompt: 'login', audience:
https://${config.auth0.domain}/userinfo })
where config.auth0.domain
holds our custom domain. So far so good, the dialog now displays our custom domain. Then we proceed to complete the login flow with the in-app browser and in the first time we get the message of a missing callback url, which makes perfect sense.
But after configuring the callback in the dashboard to {YOUR_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}://${AUTH0_CUSTOM_DOMAIN}/ios/{YOUR_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}/callback
the in-app browser open and closes itself right after. The error is a0.response.invalid: unknown error
Any help is appreciated.