Custom DB create functionality does not support required Username when using the "try" button

Sorry, I realize I wasn’t clear. Here are screen shots. Testing the “create” using the “Try” functionality for a Custom Database connection:

![Custom Database connection][1]

with requires_username=true set to true,


fails with an error.


To be honest, I’m likely missing something, but I’m unsure to what you refer with the create “try” functionality. However, I could not reproduce this situation with the following steps:

  1. Ensure a connection C with requires_username=true exists.
  2. Navigate to the Users section and click CREATE USER.
  3. Select the connection C from the dropdown.
  4. Fill all the available fields and create the user.

At step 3. when I selected connection C a Username field was also displayed in the form so I could provide the username for the user.

In addition, I also tried the Try connection which opens the hosted login page where you may be able to sign up if your hosted page allows to do so and could not reproduce the issue using the default Lock-based hosted page which again allows to input a username. If you customized the hosted page then the amount of information provided is insufficient because any tests will depend on your exact customization.

Finally, if you’re referring to something else completely different from what was mentioned before then update your question with additional information.

Sorry, I realize I wasn’t clear. Here are screen shots. Testing the “create” using the “Try” functionality for a ![Custom Database connection][1] with requires_username=true set to true, fails with ![the error I described. ][2]

@jmangelo Apologies for the mangled question. I’ve updated it for clarity.

Thanks for clarifying, yes, you’re correct. In that situation the fact that the database requires an username is not being taken into account. I’ll put a note in my backlog to report this situation.

Thanks @jmangelo. It looks like a bug to me. I figure this is an edge case for your users, since most everyone will user email.