Custom DB Change_Password Script Handling of Usernames

Last Update: Jul 16, 2024


There is a custom database with import mode disabled, and it is noticed that users are able to change their password if they enter their email, but there seems to not be a way to have them use their Username in the script.

According to Change Password Script Templates Documentation, the function is always passing an email address and never a “username”.

changePassword(email, newPassword, callback): function

This article clarifies whether it is possible to get the “username” in this script if it is not passed to the changePassword function.

Applies To

  • Custom Database (DB)


This is currently a known limitation. If using a custom database with import mode off and performing a password reset, the change_password script will only handle an email and not a username.

There is an open feature/bug report to add the username field to the change_password script. Unfortunately, we do not yet have a firm ETA for when this will be implemented as it is still in backlog.

If this functionality is desired, please add feedback about this by accessing this link, as this goes to our product teams, and it will help gauge demand for this feature.