Custom connection

I need some help , I use for my app th ecustom connection with my own database to authenticate users, I disables the Import Users to Auth0 because I want to keep to use my own recover password form and keep the new password in my own database. If I understand correctly, my custom connection must check each time my database to log my users so when a password is change that must be working.
The problem I have is I can see when a user log that he is imported to Auth0 and when he change his password with my own form that update my db , Auth0 don’t use custom connection but check his own database to log the user. So if a user change his pasword the login is no longer working. How can I rectify this ? I don’t want for now to import my user but force auth0 to check every time my DB

If you have the import users to Auth0 unchecked, Auth0 will call your login script every time.

You can tell that this is set correctly if you go to your custom DB scripts. If there are scripts for “create”, “change password”, “verify email”, and “delete”, then you know that Auth0 is using your Database. Auth0 will not keep credentials in this case.