createAuth0Client returns null and i can't debug

try {
        this.auth0Client = await createAuth0Client({ // returns null
          cacheLocation: "localstorage",
          useRefreshTokens: true,
          authorizationParams: {
            redirect_uri: window.location.origin,
        console.debug("Auth0 Client initialized successfully"); // returns success
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error initializing Auth0 Client:", error); // no errors were catched

How can i debug this? i looked at api and haven’t found any log-related props for createAuth0Client

Hi @skorphil,

The console.debug() statements should appear in your browser’s developer tools in the Console tab. You must ensure that the Verbose filter is enabled.

I have tested this myself and was able to see these statements going to F12 > Console.


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