Is it still possible to create tenants using the management api ?
I tried to follow the documentation but doing the following request return operation_not_supported
"curl --request POST
–url https://root_tenant_authority_domain/api/v2/tenants
–header ‘authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN’
–header ‘cache-control: no-cache’
–header ‘content-type: application/json’
–data ‘{“name”: “customer-1”,“owners”: [“me@email.com”]}’
But the API call returns the following body as Error:
“statusCode”: 403,
“error”: “Forbidden”,
“message”: “This operation must be authorized by Auth0”,
“errorCode”: “operation_not_supported”
that same documentation was removed last week Delete Creating Tenants doc in appliance by khorne3 · Pull Request #6963 · auth0/docs · GitHub . So I am not sure if the feature was removed or it’s being updated… Will there be a new api ?
I am trying to create new tenant on demands ( PSaaS) :
1 - User create an account in our application
2 - We create a new tenant for him
Is this concept still possible using auth0’s API?