Create import users job not triggering post-user-registration action

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I’m trying to send an email to users using the post-user-registration trigger to newly created users via this endpoint Auth0 Management API v2 without success.

I already created an action which is triggered after I create a user, and it’s working when I create a user via dashboard or using this endpoint: Auth0 Management API v2

As I said, it works flawlessly when I create users that way, but not when I use the post-users-import job, which doesn’t seem to work. Can anyone help me out how can I accomplish that?

I know the trigger is not fired, since I’m using the Real-time Webtask Logs extension and nothing gets logged if I use the user import job endpoint :frowning:

Hi @schultzRr

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question. It’s expected that the user’s import jobs won’t trigger action. However, I would encourage you to open a new thread in the Product Feedback category explaining your use case.

In terms of sending emails to a newly created users, maybe the email address verification email job could help here → Auth0 Management API v2


Thank you for your super fast response. Maybe I forgot to specify that the intention of the email is to ask the users to change their password after I create a job to import a set of users. So I’m out of luck if the action is not triggered on the user’s import job.

Hi @schultzRr,

In the case of sending the change password email, if your users will be imported only to the database connection, you can use the change-password authentication api endpoint to send a change password email to the user →

POST https://YOUR_DOMAIN/dbconnections/change_password
Content-Type: application/json
  "client_id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
  "email": "USER_EMAIL",


I’m not sure if this works for me, since I don’t really know if there’s a max rate of this endpoint. I’m thinking about running it for maybe 500 users. I hope I don’t get refused by the endpoint if I call it that amount of times after the import