Clarification regarding auth0

Hi Team,

we have an application that has Angular(FE) and Java(BE). we are thinking about opting for okta customer cloud. can you give clarification about below points.

1.tenant is distinguished by environements(dev/stageing/prod) and each tenant can have multiple applications/API or if i have multiple apis/apllications. i should we create tenant for each apis/applications like abcapidevtenant / abcapiprdtenant / mnoapidevtenant and mnoapiprdtenant ?
2.can we track total users for each api/applications seperately instead of tenant wise? it better to maintain user/passwords and roles and privileges in our own database or use okta/auth0 store and advantages and disadvantages of it?
4.ragarding our application(angular-fe and java api-be) . do we need to create 2 applications 1.single page web apps(for angular) and 2.api(for java) or we only need create application for java api. the option for single page web app is intended when backend is handled by node js ? can we configure security when we have multiple micro services exist and what about the user store(okta or own) and how micro services and also users authenticate and authorize just high level over view how all connected can suffice the answer to this question?

Hello @varunvihar.boddula welcome to the community! I’ll try and answer what I can :slight_smile:

  1. That’s correct - A typical set up includes a dev, staging, and production tenant.
  2. Yes - There are many ways to manage users.
  3. There are pros and cons to both outlined here.
  4. You will most likely want an application for your FE (SPA) and registering an API could suffice for your BE. Here’s a Spring Boot quickstart for example.
  5. It really depends on your specific use case, but you can find all Auth0 SDKs here.

I definitely recommend checking out the following documentation for a high level overview of common scenarios:

Thanks @tyf .

Hi Team,

can anyone please provide clarification to below doubts. to connect my database users table to auth0 ?
2.what should be table structure(fields) and constraints should my db should possess to accept the connection from auth0? it possible if we maintain the roles and privileges in our own database or we should always use auth0 roles and permissions ?

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Hey @varunvihar.boddula no problem, happy to help where I can!

You should be able to find all user import/migration information in our docs here - Regarding maintaining roles and privileges, this is up to you. What I have seen done is using an Action to reach out to an API and add the role/privilege as a custom claim in tokens.

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