Checks.state argument is missing auth0

I have a next.js auth0 application hosted on netlify. around 70-80% of the time authentication flow works fine but 10-20% of the time are we are getting invalid_grant (Failed to verify code verifier) or checks.state argument is missing .

  • I looked into the previous questions asked here but they were not helpful

Hi @pranshushah

Thanks for contacting Auth0 Community.

Do you have any proxy in front of your app. ? It looks like something is stripping away the state query param which is required for callbacks.


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yes. but they are not related to auth routes.

for example, our auth routes are in /api/auth and we are proxying /api/apis/*

export function getServerSideProps(context: GetServerSidePropsContext) {
  const { req, res } = context;
  const authorizationData = isAuthorizedToApp(req, res);
  if (authorizationData.user) {
    if (!authorizationData.isAuthorized) {
      return {
        redirect: {
          destination: "api/auth/login",
          permanent: false,
    return {
      props: {
        user: authorizationData.user,
  return {
    redirect: {
      destination: "api/auth/login",
      permanent: false,

can this be a issue?

AND I have sent you the config in the private message.