I’m currently using the v8 version of auth0.js
I’m successfully able to find out if the user’s email is verified with this call
function getUserInfo() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
accessToken = localStorage.getItem('accessToken');
webAuth.client.userInfo(accessToken, function(err, userInfo) {
if (err) {
deferred.reject('Can not get user info');
} else {
userInfo = userInfo;
With this information I’m showing an alert that the user has not verified their email. I make this call with the access token every time they hit the my account page. Even if the user verifies their email the response says that they have not. I’m assuming that is because the access token isn’t aware that has happened in anyway and isn’t updating.
Is there a way I can make a call and it will return email_verified without the user having to log out and back in?