Capture Additional Fields with New Universal Login

I understand that capturing additional fields at signup is now GA and there’s some documentation on it as well.

However, the documentation is super confusing and doesn’t really provide the steps needed to add additional fields. Specifically, it mentions having a Custom Page Template setup which links to a page that provides HTML. However, there’s nowhere to add that HTML.

So, if you’re able to provide a step-by-step guide on how to capture additional information at the time of signup when using New Universal Login, that would be great.


Hey team!

This topic seems related to our new EA feature, Forms for Actions, which rolled out of the beta stage on May 7th. Our Product team prepared the whole Documentation page with examples of Use cases. Forms for Actions. If you find yourself having questions regarding this new feature for the next two weeks, we are hosting an Ask Me Anything session. Our Product Expert will provide comprehensive written answers on May 21st from 8 AM to 10 AM PST.
Find out more about Forms for Actions and learn more about AMA.
