Cannot read headers on tokens

I have a Vue.js SPA and is trying to communicate with a Python (FastAPI) backend API. Unfortunately, I am unable to decode the token headers.

In particular, the line

unverified_header = jwt.get_unverified_header(token)

is failing with an error,

jose.exceptions.JWTError: Error decoding token headers.

I am getting the token on the clientside with a call to:

const token = await this.$auth.getTokenSilently();

as indicated in the documentation. However, the token which this generates (and which is successfully passed to the Python side" looks something like,


Which looks not much like JWTs that Iā€™ve worked with previously. Am I missing something here?


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Hey @lightscalar, Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

This looks like an opaque access token:
Opaque token is a form of Access token which is provided if you have not added an ā€œAudienceā€ Parameter in the /authorize request. If you add an audience parameter it will provide you a JWT token. Without audience it will be an opaque token


Thanks Sidharth for providing the explanation on the difference of those.

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