Cannot configure transaction record

I’m betting they pushed out a change that caused this but not sure why they haven’t admitted to it yet. Glad it worked!

Thank you for digging deep into the settings.

I exported the Wordpress Auth0 settings, deactivated and deleted the plugin. Re-installed and imported the settings… no joy, so then I disabled the Auth0 Implicit flow because it was on, then re-enabled it.

WP > Auth0 > Settings > Advance and enable the option Auth0 Implicit flow

I then got a different error, telling me the url wasn’t on the Allowed Callback URLs. Which is very strange as this has been working since January… anyway when I checked it wasn’t, so added it and now I can login again.

I don’t use WP.

My issue seems to be related to using Lock to display a popup to do all the work for me.

I fixed this be updating my ASP.NET Owin implementation to match the latest code available.

We just got a response from Auth0 acknowledging that this is a known issue and that they are working to resolve it. Here’s the status update:

Identified - A small set of customers in the PREVIEW environments are experiencing an issue during login (Cannot configure transaction record). We are reverting a recent change that might have caused this and will investigate the root cause. Jun 29, 13:29 PDT

I’m definitely not in a PREVIEW environment. Unless they just mean FREE environment.