Can we redirect to /u/login/invitation when the existing user clicks on the invitation link

I am looking for a way to tell auth0 to redirect to /u/login/invitation instead of /u/signup/invitation as the user already exists. This way we can utilize this flow to add a user as a member of an organization when they choose to accept the invitation by logging in. Is there a way to add this info in the invitation payload, I see the invitation API call accepts the below payload
{ "inviter": { "name": "string" }, "invitee": { "email": "string" }, "client_id": "string", "connection_id": "string", "app_metadata": {}, "user_metadata": {}, "ttl_sec": 0, "roles": [ "string" ], "send_invitation_email": true }

Is there a solution possible for this in some other ways

Check Control flow of Organization Invitation towards login instead of signup - #14 by chaitanya.tyagi