Can we redirect to application's signup page?

hello everyone,

I want to send my user to the application’s signup page (eg : localhost:4200/#/signup ) from my custom login page (Auth0 login) when user clicks on register.

My question : Is there any way I can achieve this or any method ??? or any other way I can do that ???
Open for suggestions

same issue found in community help

Hey there @akash.dhiwar_6 !

Can you clarify what you mean by custom login page here? Are you using Universal Login?

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hello @tyf!

yes , I’m using Universal Login

As our application require more than just email password while signup process I want when user clicks on register button (as shown in 2nd image) it should redirect to signup page of our application like eg : localhost:4200/#/signup .

So how can I do this and if there is any other way please suggest that too…
Thanks !


hey @tyf waiting for reply !!!


Hey @akash.dhiwar_6 !

Just to clarify, you’d like to redirect user’s to a different signup page that exists outside of universal login? The signup page that user’s are currently directed to when clicking “register” does not suffice.

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yesss @tyf

yes the auth0 signup page is not according to our needs because we want some extra information from user just than email and password at the signup page.

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Gotcha, thanks for clarifying!

In that case you will basically need to update the Universal Login template to redirect to your own sign up page and use the Management API to register users - Some more on that here:

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hey @tyf thanks for the solution. So to look into this I need access to custom domain ,which I don’t have because I’m in my trial period . How can I have access for some days to try out!!!

And today I also encountered one more issue that after a successful login of user I’m showing profile of user but it is not showing .


I’m doing as suggested by auth0 docs for angular sdk.
Still not able to get user details

I tried subscribing user$ and isAuthenticated$ manually but im getting null for user and false for isAuthenticated

Btw thanks for helping. :innocent:

Hey @akash.dhiwar_6 no problem, happy to help where I can! I will be sending you a DM shortly :slight_smile:

Do you mind creating a new topic for this issue? Thanks!

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Yes I have created new topic for this thanks for the solution mate.

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