Bug: User by email API validaiton error on valid email

Auth0 lets me create and update a user with an alias email (e.g. example+auth0@hotmail.com) via the management api, however, if i try to get that user via the users-by-email endpoint it throws a validation error:

{“statusCode”:400,“error”:“Bad Request”,“message”:"Query validation error: 'Object didn’t pass validation for format email (truncated…)

However, If i try an email without alias it works fine

Hi @danmason,

Welcome to the Community!

Thanks for reporting this. Let me try and reproduce and I will follow up.

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@dan.woda Nothing to report?

Hi @danmason,

I am out of the office this week and will follow up monday.

I am not seeing the same error. I was able to create a user with + and retrieve them without issue from the users-by-email endpoint. Can you confirm that your request is being properly URL encoded?

I was using the official php package, perhaps that isn’t sending the email correctly.

Can you please post your code so I can take a look?

For Javascript, you can use encodeURIComponent
