Best Practices: Twilio Messaging Service per Tenant?

When using Twilio to verify sms users, is it a best-practice to create a messaging service per tenant? Or, can the same messaging service be used across development and production tenants? My instinct is to create separate messaging services for each tenant, but there’s a monthly cost associated with each number and numbers can’t be used across services within Twilio. I’m wondering if there’s a cost to sharing the same messaging service that I’m overlooking. Thanks for your help!

This question is also posted on stackoverflow: sms - Best Practices: Twilio Messaging Service per Tenant? - Stack Overflow

Hi Zane,

The main considerations would just be ensuring you are not bumping into any rate limits from Twilio, and that the logs on the Twilio side may not be able to parse entries by Auth0 tenant. I’ll also share the link here to your Stack Overflow post where a Twilio rep has provided some more in-depth information on what to consider on their side: sms - Best Practices: Twilio Messaging Service per Tenant? - Stack Overflow

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