B2C - Essentials - No MFA?

Hi, Is there an MFA option for B2C - Essentials? Is there a MFA option for this subscription? I tried to enable SMS, but I got the message: " Use of the Phone Message, Email, WebAuthn, and Push via Auth0 Guardian factors require the purchase of an Enterprise MFA add-on to your Auth0 subscription. Please contact us to get started."
But when I go to the description of my subscription, it says that I have “Dashboard SMS MFA.” What am I missing? What is “Dashboard SMS MFA” ? I’m only paying for the essentials because my boss wants to use the Custom domain". With the traffic I have I could use the starter with no problem.

Thank you.

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Hi @cqconnect,

Thanks for the question.

MFA starts at the B2C Pro subscriptions. Take a look at our pricing page for a breakdown, or in your tenant settings under Subscriptions tab.

Dashboard SMS MFA is SMS MFA for dashboard admin. i.e. Multi-Factor Authentication for Dashboard Users

Hope this helps!

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