Authorization Extension - Warning You've almost reached the storage limit of 500 KB

Problem statement

We noticed the below warning message in the Authorization Extension:

"Warning You've almost reached the storage limit of 500 KB."


The extension will use Webtask Storage by default and is limited to 500 KB of data. Which is equivalent to

  • 1000 groups and 3000 users, where each user is a member of 3 groups
  • 20 groups and 7000 users, where each user is a member of 3 groups

If you reach out near the above values, you will get the “Warning You’ve almost reached the storage limit of 500 KB.” message.


As stated here, the Authorization Extension has a hard limit of 500KB of data when using Webtask Storage. The Authorization Extension is not meant to be used with large datasets.

As a workaround, using Amazon S3 as the storage provider instead of Webtask Storage will mitigate this issue. Here are the instructions.

Please note that switching to Amazon S3 will cause system downtime because you need to export all the rules, groups, and permissions in the extension before changing the storage type and you also need to import the exported JSON from Webtask Storage afterward. Therefore, we highly recommend you test on a dev tenant first to understand what will occur and how long it takes.