Autho0.OidcClient.WinForms: System.TypeLoadException

I had everything working, then I upgraded to .Net 4.8. Visual Studio 2019 instructed me to reinstall the .Net packages, so I uninstalled them (2 times in the end), restarted Visual Studio checked in everything to Source Control, installed the API, and checked in everything again. The install went fine.

Sadly, I now receive this error, which I cannot shake.

System.TypeLoadException, HResult=0x80131522

Message=Could not load type ‘IdentityModel.Client.AuthenticationStyle’ from assembly ‘IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e7877f4675df049f’.
at Auth0.OidcClient.Auth0ClientBase.get_OidcClient()
at Auth0.OidcClient.Auth0ClientBase.LoginAsync(Object extraParameters)
at ResQ.Authentication.AuthLogin.d__62.MoveNext() in

Installed NuGet APIs

  1. Auth0.OidcClient.Core v2.4.2
  2. Auth0.OidcClient.WinForms v2.4.2
  3. IdentityModel v4.0.0
  4. IdentityMoel.OidcClient v2.9.0
    (shows that there is an update to v2.9.1, which I cannot update to)
