Auth0.SignIn() function auto login without key in password

Hi guys, I’m studying auth0 recently and following this link

to setup my first auth0 app nicely. But now i have a problem on login button: once i’ve register account and login, for the following login i just click on the login button, it will automatically login(dont need password). I want the feature is: every time i log out and click login button, it will redirect me to the log in page. Could you guys teach me how to adjust it and where to do? thank you very much.

Hey there, I wanted to reach out to you and let you know I am looking into your question. Thanks!

I wanted to follow up and let you know I am actively working on reproducing this. Please let me know if you have any further questions in the mean time.

Hey there during my investigation I found a couple different articles that dive into Angular authentication that I’ve shared below. Researching further into your current setup do you mind sharing your logout function? Thanks in advance!

I wanted to follow up and see how things are going on your app? Be sure to let us know if you have any questions!

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